Have you ever heard comments like this? They’ve been popping up lately in online discussion forums, and surprisingly, they’re not sparking much debate. Is reading fluency just a natural byproduct of decoding development? If only it were that simple! Fluency is one of the five...
Read more Jennifer Melton had been a 6th-grade ELA teacher at Crest Middle School for 19 years when she took on a new challenge last year. Moving up to run the school library, she also became responsible for leading the Tier 3 reading intervention group—a significant transition that required her to juggle multiple new responsibilities.
Read more In both Read Naturally Live, Word Warm-ups Live, and Read Naturally Live—Español, students can complete most steps independently, giving teachers the flexibility to support multiple students at once. This design is especially helpful for ensuring every student receives individualized support while working through the program at their own pace. However, there are specific moments built into the process to make sure students get essential one-on-one time with the teacher. If you’re new to Read Live, you may be wondering how this works in practice. Let’s explore some common questions.
Read more With over 30 years of experience in reading intervention, if there’s one thing we at Read Naturally know for sure, it’s that more practice leads to more progress. In Read Live, that means completing as many stories as possible. Especially for struggling readers who don’t enjoy reading, it’s important to foster the motivation to do that.
Read more Pulling students out of class for reading intervention can trigger a variety of emotions— embarrassment, annoyance, even indignation. For the middle-school boys in Jennifer Melton’s Tier 3 reading intervention group at Crest Middle School last year, being pulled out of PE likely added a touch of FOMO to the mix.
Read more When it comes to teaching children to read, the importance of a quality phonics program cannot be overstated. With so many options available, it can be challenging to determine which program will best suit the needs of your students.
Read more Many students need extra phonics support to build a solid foundation for reading success. Developing solid phonics skills can be a long journey, with students in the same groups or classes each requiring focus on different elements and needing varying levels of support. Teachers face the challenge of addressing each student’s unique needs within the same classroom, often with limited time built into their schedule to do so.
Read more One Minute Reader Live is an independent reading program included with all Read Live licenses. This program is designed to motivate students while helping them develop fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. It’s an ideal way for students to master essential reading skills while working on their own.
Read more Millions of K-12 students across the United States are English Learners (ELs). The majority of these students identify Spanish as their home language. Year after year, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Average Scores for Reading and Mathematics are significantly lower for students who are identified as ELs, in comparison to their peers who are not. It makes sense that limited English proficiency would have an impact on academic achievement where the language of instruction is English. So, what can we do to best support EL students?
Read more We love hearing from our teacher community and learning about your experiences with Read Naturally. If you'd like to share your story, we invite you to submit a blog post. Every story is valuable to us, and blogs that meet our content and quality guidelines will be eligible for a special reward.
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