Congrats to Evrhett, our March Star of the Month! Evrhett is a third grader at Palo Verde Elementary School in Palo Verde, AZ. Here is what his teacher, Ms. Jones, has to say about him:
Evrhett truly is a Read Live STAR! As one of the first students to participate in Read Live, a new-to-our-school program, Evrhett has been a model for others! Evrhett pursues his success vigorously - even cutting short breaks at times just so he can get more time in with his stories. He is focused, and has a growth-mindset that is admirable. Using both Word Warm-Ups and Sequenced Stories, Evrhett grew tremendously. He moved from a "well-below" benchmark status in August to AT Benchmark in December - increasing his scores in words read per minute, accuracy, and all comprehension components. Evrhett continues to work hard, and we are so excited about his overall future as a reader and beyond. Read Live + Everhett Effort = a Win Win! We are so proud of Evrhett as a soaring Palo Verde Eagle and highly recommend him to be honored as a Read Live Star Student.
Way to go, Evrhett!
Do you have a student like Evrhett? Nominating them to be a Read Naturally Star of the Month only takes a few minutes! Just share why they deserve special recognition for their hard work.
Winners receive:
- $50 Barnes & Noble gift card (student)
- $50 Amazon gift card (teacher)
- $200 Read Naturally gift card (school)
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