LoganCongratulations to Star Student Logan W. from Livonia, NY! Logan is a second-grade student at Livonia Elementary School. Logan’s teacher, Judi Cuffney, had this to say about him:

My student is a braille reader. At the end of his first-grade year, he was reading only 8-11 words correct per minute (wcpm) using various other reading programs. This fall, I have started using the Read Naturally Level 1.0 with him in Braille*. His fluency has improved greatly, and his comprehension and retell scores are near perfect. After only using the program for the first quarter, his cold reading times range from 16 to 26 wcpm and his final read times range from 21 to 47 wcpm. While these times are still slower than his grade level peers, he is improving a lot. We are definitely continuing with this program! I recently attended a professional conference in Cleveland, OH where Read Naturally was presented. I shared my student’s work at the workshop. I am so glad the materials are available on CD for braille use.

The Read Naturally Star of the Month program is designed to celebrate students who work hard to improve their reading skills. Each month, we select one student to feature in our newsletter. The selected student will win a $20 Barnes & Noble gift card, and the school or teacher who nominated the student will receive a $200 gift certificate for Read Naturally materials.

If you entered the drawing and your student did not win this month, he or she will remain in the selection pool for future months!

To nominate your deserving student, visit the entry form.