Update: One Minute Reader Live is now included as a component of Read Live. The One Minute Reader iPad App has been discontinued.
It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not! Any Read Live student can continue working in the program from home if you set his/her parent up as a program helper. We encourage you to let parents know this is an option.
Students can use the program at home with iPads or computers. They’ll use the same account they’ve been using at school, so there is no additional cost for parents. Please note that parents will need some initial training in order to be successful, and you will need to keep in contact with them over the summer.
Specifically, parents will need training in how to conduct timings, count errors, rate expression, and pass students on stories. When parents log in, they will see a page with useful information for program helpers. Parents should watch the How-To videos that show a student working through a story and provide guidance on what to do if the student does not pass. There are also several resources available in the Knowledgebase section of our website to assist with training.
As helpers, parents will not have the ability to change levels, goals, and story options. Ideally you will log in periodically to check reports and make these adjustments as needed. Your ongoing communication with parents will maximize success.
Using Read Live over the summer will have a positive impact on students’ reading development and help prevent the Summer Slide. To determine if this option is feasible for your students, their parents, and you, please read this list of considerations. Then, please download and distribute this letter, which explains the Read Live program and the parent’s role. Finally, follow these steps to set parents up as program helpers. It’s important not to share your user ID and password—you’ll need to create login credentials specifically for parents.
Some parents may also be interested in using One Minute Reader (now One Minute Reader Live) over the summer. You may wish to distribute the One Minute Reader letter and the Read Live letter together.
With all these tools at their disposal, parents should feel well equipped to support their children’s fluency development over the summer. We encourage them to get in touch with any questions or concerns. The Read Naturally office is open during regular business hours all summer long.
Submitted 5 years 4 months ago by josephine sachsjos