Adapting Read Live in a Distance-Learning Model


Completing Pass activities


Although students work mostly independently in Read Live, there are times when a proficient reader is required to support the student. The pass activities will always require a proficient reader to listen to the students and check answers to open-ended questions. Parents can be enabled to conduct the pass activities, or teachers can use remote access and screen sharing tools to pass students remotely.


Any proficient reader can support a student during the pass activities. You can add parents as Read Live Assistants and enable them to conduct timings and pass students. This is a great solution in many situations.

If you are comfortable with letting parents guide their students, you can set the parents up to be Read Live Assistants. Depending on your role within Read Live, you may not have the ability to create new staff members. If that is the case, ask your Account Administrator or School Coordinator to create the Read Live Assistant[s] for you.

Read Live Assistants can conduct timings and choose remedial actions, but they cannot actually log in to see which other students are enrolled.

Ideally, for security purposes, you would separately enroll each parent and give each person an individualized user ID and password. However, some teachers find that this approach involves too much administration, and they prefer to create a single user ID and password that is shared among all participating parents.

IMPORTANT: Do not share your own user ID and password with parents.

To create a shared user ID and password for your Read Live Assistants:
  1. Log in to your Read Live account in the Staff Member Module.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Staff Member Administration.
    (Note: This is only visible to users with the role Account Administrator and School Coordinator. Users with the role Teacher cannot add a Read Live Assistant.)
  3. Click the Add Staff Member button.
  4. Select the role of Read Live Assistant.
  5. Fill in required fields as follows:
    1. For First Name, enter Parent. For Last Name, enter Parent.
    2. Enter your own email address so the program emails you the temporary password.
    3. For User ID, edit it to read just parent.
    4. Click Save & Close.
  6. The software will send you an email with your Read Live account ID, the new User ID you defined, and a temporary password.
  7. Log into the Read Live Staff Member Module using the account ID, user ID and password from the email.
  8. When asked to change the password, set it to whatever password you want the parents to use, and then set the security question/answer as desired.
  9. Click Log Out.
  10. Send emails to the participating parents to introduce them to the Read Live program. Be sure to include the Overview for Assistants video. It's an excellent resource explaining the steps of Read Naturally Live and providing guidance for Read Live Assistants as they support students. We've provided a template to help you create the email:
    • Open the email template in a web browser:
      pointerRead Live Assistant Introduction email template
    • Highlight all of the text in the email (Ctrl+A in Windows; Cmd+A in MacOS).
    • Copy the text (Ctrl+C in Windows; Cmd+C in MacOS).
    • In your email program (e.g., Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail), compose an email, entering the parent's email address ("To") and the subject.
    • In the body of the email, paste the text you copied in step 2 (Ctrl+V in Windows; Cmd+V in MacOS).
    • Customize the text of the email for each parent. Enter the name(s) of the parents or guardians, and be sure to include your school's Read Live account number and the login information for the parent and the student. 

Note: The email should include the Read Live login page URL (, your Read Live account number, and the user ID and password for the login the parent should use (the "helper" account). You may also need to tell parents the student’s user ID and password. Do your best to explain the program and responsibilities of the Read Live Assistant role. The email template also includes links to a few resources that can help parents understand the program and what their role is:

With this information, when the student gets to the Cold Timing or Pass/Hot Timing step, the parent can click the Conduct Cold Timing or Conduct Pass Activities link and then enter the User ID parent and the password to conduct the timings.


  • For students to work in Read Live at home, their computers must meet the minimum system requirements. Tell parents their first action should be to display the Read Live Home page and click Check System Requirements on the upper right. They must address any items that are marked as not meeting the requirements. Depending on the requirement that is not met, the program may be more difficult to use, may be less educationally effective, or may not work at all.
  • When the parents log in from the Staff Member Login page, they will see a page with useful information for Read Live Assistants. Advise parents to review the information on this page. In particular, they should watch the How-To videos that show a student working through a story and provide guidance on what to do if the student does not pass.


To complete the Pass step, teachers will be required to not only view the student’s screen but also to control it to initiate the pass timing, enter errors and expression scores, as well as evaluate the student’s quiz, retell, or word list scores. You can choose to allow parents to accomplish these tasks if they’ve been entered as Read Live Assistants in the program. 

Alternatively, you can manage these tasks using a program that allows you to control a student’s screen. Some versions of computer operating systems have built-in remote desktop access or control sharing, like Mac or Windows. For more detailed information about commonly used programs to share and control screens for Pass activities, see the support article, "Screen Sharing and Remote Access Tools."

Using a remote computer access program, paired with a simple method of communication with students, will allow you to complete the necessary pass activities in Read Live and keep students engaged and making progress in Read Live.

See Also:


There are times when it is not possible for the teacher to access the student’s screen remotely. For example, if a student is using an iPad, remote access apps will not allow you take control over the Read Naturally Live app. Or you may prefer the simplicity of sharing your own screen with the student to conduct pass activities.

Note: The Waiting List page allows users with a role of account administrator, school coordinator, teacher, or assistant to see which students are currently waiting for cold and hot timing activities. It allows these users to review the student's Current Story Details report and to Login As the student to conduct Cold Timing or Pass steps.
pointer Learn more about using the Waiting List to help distance learning students​

To conduct Pass activities by sharing your screen:
  1. Teachers can use the Login As feature, available in the Staff Module, to open a session as a specific student. See the Read Live User Guide for more information about using the Login As feature
  2. Share your screen with the student using Zoom or another screen sharing tool. If they do not have internet access, make sure they have a printed copy of the passage, which can be printed or saved as a PDF file from the Read Naturally Live screen in the Staff module.
  3. If you are sharing your screen with the student, check the following before proceeding:
    • Make sure the student can hear the audio from your computer. If you are using Zoom, make sure the “Share computer sound” option is selected.
    • Make sure the student can see your screen.
    • Make sure you can hear each other.
  4. Click on the Conduct Pass Activities button on the Practice/Pass screen to begin the timing and continue through the completion of all activities.
    Note: Turn off the Reading Guide option on the Pass screen (if the device is not an iPad) to remove distractions.
  5. Once you have reached the screen with the Certificate of Completion and clicked the Done button, you can log out of the Student module and the student can begin a new story.


If the student is ready for their hot timing but the teacher or parent is unavailable, another option is to have the student record themselves reading the passage, then send the recording to the teacher for later evaluation and scoring. Students can either read from the passage in Read Naturally Live on the Pass/More Practice screen, or read from a copy of the passage that the teacher has printed or downloaded and shared with the student.

An audio recording feature is available for student Story and Word List hot timings within Read Naturally Live. Students are now able to record themselves reading, and teachers can evaluate and score the recordings using audio features displayed on Read Naturally Live hot timing steps.
pointer Learn more about recording student audio for hot timings



Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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