Read Live Release Notes


Read Live 3.24 Release Notes

Released March 2024


What's New in This Release

Read Live version 3.24 includes enhancements and fixes including an in-application instructional video about student independent placement, revisions to Data Mentor suggestions, and accessibility enhancements for screen reader users.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you see a blank page when opening Read Live after this release, you may need to clear your browser's cache.

Summary of changes

  • An instructional video now describes Read Naturally Live's independent placement feature to students. The video orients students to the process before they complete their first placement reading.
  • Some Data Mentor suggestions and features have been revised. The changes include:
    • A suggestion addressing situations when a student's hot timing is lower than the cold timing.
    • Revisions to a small number of existing Level and Story Goal suggestions.
    • Changes to messages teachers see after a student completes 12 or 24 stories in a Read Naturally Live level.
    • The Level Report for a student's current level is now available from the Data Mentor interface whether or not any suggestions are present.
  • Read Live's accessibility features for screen reader users have been enhanced. Changes include markup for headings, icons, timing instructions, and form fields. Unnecessary ARIA attributes have been removed.

Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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