Read Live Release Notes


Read Live v4.0 Release Notes

Released June 2024


What's New in This Release

The Read Live v4.0 release includes major new features that make it easier for students to begin working in Read Live and for teachers to monitor student activity across Read Live applications.

  • It is now possible to assign students a license, and access to any or all Read Live applications, without assigning a Lead Teacher for each student. Students can continue to work without a Lead Teacher until a staff member chooses to assign one. 
  • A new Student Activity page in the Read Live Staff Member Module makes it easier to monitor and manage student activity across all Read Live applications. The new page replaces four previous application-specific pages.
  • Other refinements to the teacher experience in Read Live are included as described below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you see a blank page when opening Read Live after this release, you may need to clear your browser's cache.

Detailed Summary of changes

  • Students can now be given licenses without a Lead Teacher being assigned. Students without a Lead Teacher can work in any combination of Read Live applications. When needed, a Lead Teacher can be assigned from either the Staff Member Module or a student module. The following changes are associated with this new ability:
    • When adding individual students in the Staff Member Module, staff members are now actively prompted about whether to assign a license. If a license is assigned, the Lead Teacher checkbox can be deselected to allow the student to work without adding a Lead Teacher.
    • In the Staff Member Module, students without a Lead Teacher are shown to all staff members who can see students at their school. This allows all staff members to support these students until a Lead Teacher is assigned. 
    • Students can work in any Read Live student application without having a Lead Teacher assigned. 
    • A Lead Teacher can be assigned at any time for students without one. The following locations in Read Live allow this change: 
      • The Student Details page in the Staff Member Module.
      • The Student Licensing page in the Staff Member Module. 
      • A new Teacher Menu Home page in the Read Naturally Live and Read Naturally Live–Español student modules.
  • A new Student Activity page in the Staff Member module facilitates management of student performance in Read Live applications. This page replaces the previous Read Naturally Live, Read Naturally Live–Español, Word Warm-ups Live, and One Minute Read Live pages. 
    • By expanding a student's row on the new page, teachers can review the student's recent activity across all Read Live applications.
      • Controls allow adjustments to the student's assignment and options in each application. 
      • If a student has not been placed in Read Naturally Live, a button is available to start the placement process from the Student Activity page.
        Note: To re-place a student who already has an assignment, use a new link at the top of the Change Series/Level/Goal page.
      • Expanding each application's row provides access to reports about the student's recent performance.
    • A Waiting column displays any applications in which the student is currently waiting for a teacher. A Login button allows teachers to open a session as the student in order to perform remote timings.
    • Navigation in the Staff Member Module has been simplified. A single tile for the new page replaces the four application-specific ones. The navigation menu has similarly been simplified.
    • A new Choose students to view feature on the page allows users to quickly search for sets of students. 
      By default on entering the page for the first time in a session, staff members who are the Lead Teacher for any students see all of those students. Staff members who are not a Lead Teacher see students who do not have a Lead Teacher.
    • The Application-Specific Actions menu on the new page allows the application-related actions from the previous pages to be performed. For example, the comprehension-related tools on the old Read Naturally Live page are present in this menu, Progress Letters can be printed from it, and emails can be sent to student contacts.
  • A new Student History feature has been added to Read Naturally Live and Read Naturally Live-Español. This feature allows teachers to review the entire history of a student's assignments, including Series, Level, Story Goal, and Word List Goal, in all the spots where that assignment might be modified. 
    • This feature appears in the Data Mentor interface, as well as on Change Series/Level/Goal pages.
    • The staff member or process involved in each change to a student's assignment are displayed. For example, if a student is placed by a teacher, the teacher's name is noted; if the student completed placement independently, the history includes "Independent Placement."
    • Note that this data is available for changes made after November, 2023.
  • A microphone check has been added to the Independent Placement process. Students make a brief recording before attempting any placement passages, confirming that their equipment can support the independent process.



Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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