Working with One Minute Reader Live


Summer Solution Webinar: One Minute Reader Live


Presented by Claire Hayes, Read Naturally Educational Consultant

More students than ever are struggling with reading. Schools and families may not have the resources to address this growing issue, and summer is approaching. One Minute Reader Live, a component of Read Live, can help. It focuses on fluency and comprehension with support for vocabulary. One Minute Reader Live levels include first through mid-fifth grade reading levels. This motivating, independent program is structured to provide developing readers the support and engagement needed to catch up to their peers, without direct assistance from a teacher or parent.

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View this webinar recording to:
  • Learn about Read Live’s independent reading program, One Minute Reader Live
  • Understand which students are ideal candidates for this program
  • Learn how to assign access to One Minute Reader Live
  • Find out how to place students into the program
  • Understand how to adjust story options
  • Receive resources to help parents utilize One Minute Reader Live with students over the summer
This webinar is appropriate for:
  • Read Live Users
  • Beginning Teachers
  • General Education Teachers
  • Reading Teachers/Specialists
  • School or District Administrators
  • Special Education Teachers
  • Title I Teachers
  • RTI/MTSS Coordinators

40 minutes


Presentation Handout
Permission Slip
Parent Letter
Blog Post


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