Maximizing Progress


Word Warm-ups Live: Using Data from the Student Level Report


The Student Level Report includes student data within a Level of Word Warm-ups Live. Use this report to review student performance in Word Warm-ups Live, identifying areas of need based on each student’s performance in specific exercises. For more information about using reports to monitor student performance, see the Read Live User Guide.

1. Generate a Report

To generate a current Student Level Report, refer to the following resource:

Read Live User Guide: Generating Word Warm-ups Student Level Reports

2. Review and Analyze Student Data to Decide if a Change is Needed

Each of the Word Lists, Spelling, and Story columns on the Student Level Report provide scores for completed exercises and exercises in progress.

Image depicting an example of the Word Warm-Ups Live Report

Components of the Level Report

Each component of the report is described in the Key.


Analyzing Student Data

Based on the information in the Student Level Report, decide whether the level is a good fit, too easy, or too difficult.

1. Level and sections seem to be a good fit.

If the report shows most of the following trends, then the level and sections seem to be a good fit for the student:

  • The number of practices is between 3 and 10.
  • The number of pass attempts is 1.
  • The pass attempt score (wcpm) is close to the goal.
  • The spelling score is at 80% or above.
  • The story expectations were met.
  • The quiz score is at 80% or above.

Action: Continue level with standard practices or address specific areas of need using the Troubleshooting Guide below.

2. Some sections or exercises may not match the student’s needs.

If the report shows most of the following trends, then the student may have already mastered the skills presented in this section:

  • The number of practices is less than 3.
  • The number of pass attempts is consistently 1.
  • The pass attempt score (wcpm) is significantly above the goal.
  • The spelling score is consistently above 80%. 
  • The story expectations were met.
  • The quiz score is consistently above 80%.

Action: Consider selecting a more challenging section or use the Word Warm-ups Live Phonics Assessment to determine the next area of need.

3. Level or section may be too difficult.

If the report shows the following trends, then the level, section, or a skill within the section may be too difficult for the student:

  • The number of practices is greater than 10.
  • The number of pass attempts is higher than 1.
  • The pass attempt score (wcpm) is below the goal (passed with current score).
  • The spelling score is below 80%. 
  • The story expectations were not met for most exercises.
  • The quiz score is below 80%.

Action: Consult the Troubleshooting Guide below.

Troubleshooting Guide

Insufficient rate gain

Difficulty with patterns already studied

Too many practices

Possible cause(s)

Possible solution(s)



Student completes first timing independently so cold-timing score may be artificially high.

If a student is unable to reach the goal rate with three or fewer errors on lesson, review, and challenge exercises, even after ten practices, consider making one or more of the following adjustments:

  • Require the student to click all the words in the word list two or three times to see if the modeling of decoding and pronunciation helps the student increase his/her automaticity with these words.
  • Lower the goal rate for the student, choosing a rate that is challenging yet within reach.  The student should reach the goal within ten practices.
  • Review the results of the student's assessment to make sure the student has mastered all of the skills in the earlier sections.
  • Reassess the student to help you make a more appropriate placement.



Student may not use the program with fidelity.

If progress monitoring indicates that the student continues to have difficulty with the sounds and phonics patterns they already studied, consider one or more of the following:

  • Require the student to re-do the exercises (with teacher guidance) for the patterns not yet mastered.
  • Have the student listen to the audio of the exercise instruction and read along with word list two or three times before practicing the words.
  • Make sure the student understands each part of the Spelling step: listening to the word and sentence, attempting to spell the word, checking their work against the correct answer, and correcting their spelling, if necessary.
  • If the student struggles with the quiz question, show the student how to return to the story to find the answers.



Teacher may not have time to return to student.

Lower student-teacher ratio by seeking volunteers or adding staff and require student to meet goal.



Level or section may be too difficult.

Assign student to the lowest section of phonics need.



Student motivation may be low.

Provide encouragement or rewards to get student to continue to work and require student to meet goal.


Critical Evaluation Periods

You should generate a current Student Level Report to:

  • Check placement after the first few exercises to make sure the level and section are a good fit and will provide enough challenge to keep the student engaged.
  • Monitor progress over time and decide when the student is ready to move to a different section.
  • Monitor progress over time and address any challenges in a timely fashion.
For more information:

Read Live User Guide Part Three: Word Warm-ups Live > Monitoring Student Performance
Word Warm-ups Live Scope and Sequence by Level


Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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