Book Adventure: On this website, students can focus on comprehension by answering questions about the books they read and earning points that can be redeemed for prizes.
Center on Instruction: This national center funded by the U.S. Department of Education provides scientifically based resources on instruction, including literacy, English language learning, special education, and Response to Intervention (RTI).
Center on Teaching and Learning: This website provides information, technology, and resources to teachers, administrators, and parents across the country and includes definitions and descriptions of the research and theories behind each of the big ideas, describes how to assess them, and provides information on how to teach them.
Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR): This center at Florida State University conducts basic research on reading, reading growth, reading assessment, and reading instruction that contributes to the scientific knowledge of reading and benefits students. The FCRR also disseminates information about research-based practices related to literacy instruction and assessment.
Gibson Hasbrouck & Associates: This website offers resources (some free, some available for purchase) for differentiated instruction, RTI, American Sign Language, and reading fluency.
Intervention Central: This website created by RTI consultant Jim Wright provides free resources to help struggling learners and to implement Response to Intervention.
The IRIS Center: This national center provides resources about students with disabilities for college faculty and professional development providers.
Keys to Literacy: This consulting company provides educators with professional development in reading comprehension with the goal of improving adolescent literacy.
Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory (McREL): McREL offers resources to "provide educators with research-based, practical guidance on the issues and challenges facing K−16 education."
National Center on Intensive Intervention: This organization supports the implementation of data-based individualization in reading, mathematics, and behavior for students who require intensive interventions. In its evaluations of interventions, NCII reviewers consider a study’s design, purpose, fidelity of implementation, and assessment alignment.
National Center for Learning Disabilities: This non-profit organization promotes the success of students with disabilities by offering resources to parents and educators.
Center on Multi-Tiered System of Supports: This center, maintained by the American Institutes for Research (AIR), supports the implementation of proven models for MTSS/RTI.
National Reading Panel: This national panel was convened by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) to assess the effectiveness of different approaches used to teach children to read.
Project Based Learning: This is an online resource for project-based learning, "an inquiry-based process for teaching and learning."
RTI Action Network: This program of the National Center for Learning Disabilities promotes "the effective implementation of Response to Intervention (RTI) in school districts nationwide."
Sonoma County Office of Education: This school district offers a list of reading and language arts resources.
Vocabulogic: This blog focuses on linguistic insight and word knowledge.
1-2-3 Magic for Teachers: Effective Classroom Discipline Pre-K through Grade 8 by Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D. and Sarah Jane Schonour, MA
"Offering advice for teachers eager to develop better discipline in the classroom, this guide provides practical methods for eliminating disruptive behavior, encouraging productive work habits, and communicating with parents. Clear lessons and straightforward language reveal how to measure discipline in a classroom environment, as well as how to handle difficult situations, such as transition times, assemblies, lunchtime, and field trips."
Available on the ParentMagic website
Reading Fluency: Understand – Assess – Teach Professional Learning Guide for Leaders by Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D., and Deborah R. Glaser, Ed.D
This accessible and thoughtful resource helps educators understand reading fluency, assess students’ fluency, teach effectively to develop fluency, integrate fluency skill development in all content areas, and motivate students to become fluent readers.
Available on the Benchmark Education website
The Key Comprehension Routine by Joan Sedita
The original Key Comprehension Routine for grades 4–12 teaches students a foundational set of comprehension strategies that support listening and reading comprehension in any subject area. Teachers learn how to teach strategies using existing content reading and instructional materials. Students benefit from a consistent approach to comprehension instruction as they move from grade to grade and subject to subject. The primary-grade version for grades K–3 teaches early elementary students basic comprehension skills.
Available on the Keys to Literacy website
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