Addressing the Needs of Struggling Readers (Webinars)


Webcast Video: Read Naturally & Response to Intervention


Learn how Read Naturally assessments provide the necessary data for decision-making in an RTI model, and how Read Naturally programs can be used as practice for students served in Tier 1 and as effective interventions with students served in Tier 2 and Tier 3 in an RTI model.

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Topics in This Webcast
  • How Read Naturally assessment tools for benchmark assessment and progress monitoring are used in schools to provide data for decision-making in an RTI model.
  • How Read Naturally intervention materials are used in schools to reinforce instruction for students served in Tier 1 and as interventions for students served in Tier 2 and Tier 3.
  • How Read Naturally interventions fit within the context of your core curriculum in an RTI model.
    • Read Naturally Strategy programs to build fluency
    • Read Naturally GATE for early readers to teach decoding and build fluency
    • One Minute Reader for home or school to build fluency
    • Word Warm-ups to build automaticity in decoding
  • What your school or classroom needs to successfully implement the assessments and programs.
  • How support services, training options, and other Read Naturally tools can ensure the effectiveness of the assessments and programs when used in an RTI model.
Additional Details

What this presentation covers:

  • Read Naturally offers reading fluency progress monitoring assessments for first through eighth grades.
  • Read Naturally offers materials to develop reading fluency and automaticity in decoding for first- through eighth-grade levels.
  • Read Naturally offers a fluency program designed to be used at home.

And what it doesn't cover:

  • Read Naturally does not address math or other subject areas.
  • Read Naturally does not specifically address high school; however, high-school students who still need reading fluency intervention at first- through eight-grade levels can still use Read Naturally Strategy programs

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