Reading Fluency (Webinars)


Webinar Video: Reading for meaning—fluently


Presented February 9, 2016 by Claire Hayes, Read Naturally Consultant.

This presentation explains the importance of fluency in attaining literacy and describes the research-based Read Naturally Strategy for improving fluency in developing and struggling readers. The presenter also walks through the key steps of a Read Naturally Strategy program. Although the Read Naturally Strategy can be purchased as a system, the three strategies of teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring can be applied to materials already found in many educators’ classrooms.

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Webinar Handouts

pointer Presentation packet for this webinar
pointer Pages for walking through the steps

Topics Covered

View this webinar recording to:

  • Understand the role of fluency in overall reading proficiency.
  • Understand how to identify students who are at risk for reading failure. 
  • Learn how three research-based strategies have been developed into a series of steps that improve fluency, support vocabulary, and promote comprehension in developing readers—and learn why each step is critical to achieve maximum results.
  • Hear how Read Naturally’s research-proven program has significantly accelerated the reading achievement of Title I, special education, ELL, and mainstream students nationwide for over 25 years.

60 minutes (includes Q&A) 

  • Beginning teachers
  • Classroom teachers
  • Reading teachers/specialists
  • School or district administrators
  • Special education teachers
  • Title I teachers
  • RTI coordinators
  • Instructional aides


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