Common Core State Standards

How Word Warm-ups Live Addresses Common Core State Standards

Read Naturally's Word Warm-ups Live is well-suited to support core reading programs and address the Foundational Skills as described below.


Phonological Awareness

Standard: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).

Word Warm-ups Live audio lessons direct students to listen for the featured sounds in words. Students listen as sounds are blended together to make words.

Phonics and Word Recognition

Standard: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis in decoding words.

Word Warm-ups Live lessons teach spelling-sound correspondences. Students develop accuracy and automaticity in decoding one-syllable, two-syllable, and multi-syllable words; prefixes; suffixes; syllable patterns; and Greek and Latin roots. Students apply their skills in context by reading word lists and nonfiction stories containing words with the featured patterns.


Standard: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

Word Warm-ups Live combines review and application in a culminating story at the end of each section. These nonfiction stories contain several words that feature the sounds and phonics patterns taught in the section. Students do a cold-timing, read along with a recording, and then practice the story to prepare for reading to the teacher.


Word Warm-ups logo Word Warm-ups Live®
Individualized phonics program to develop automaticity in decoding
pointer Learn more about Word Warm-ups Live

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