Working with One Minute Reader Live


Webinar Video: One Minute Reader Live Basics


Presented by Sarah Jane Schonour, Read Naturally Associate Director of Curriculum.

This webinar gives an overview of One Minute Reader Live, a component of web-based Read Live that supplements the development of literacy skills with guided, independent reading practice.

Get students reading on the first day of school! Join us for an overview and demonstration of One Minute Reader Live, Read Live’s independent reading program.

One Minute Reader Live, included in all Read Live subscriptions, transforms independent reading time into an exciting, guided reading experience. Interesting short passages, motivating graphs, and fun activities engage students and deliver measurable results. Using the research-based Read Naturally Strategy in a fully independent and motivating program, One Minute Reader Live helps students build confidence as readers and develop fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary skills. With One Minute Reader Live, your students can hit the ground running on day one!

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Topics Covered
  • Appropriate educational settings where One Minute Reader Live can be implemented
  • How One Minute Reader Live compares with Read Naturally Live
  • Features and benefits of the program and a live program demonstration
  • Where to find additional resources to support the use of One Minute Reader Live
Handout and Resources

43 minutes

  • Read Live staff members
  • Anyone interested in learning more about how One Minute Reader Live is used with students

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