Other Interventions and Tools (Webinars)


Webinar Video: Word Warm-ups for mastery and automaticity in decoding


Presented April 12, 2018 by Karen Hunter, Educational Consultant

Students who cannot decode words are not fluent readers! Our students must master phoneme awareness and phonics skills and have a strategy for decoding multisyllabic words.

Most phonics programs teach students to decode words accurately but learning phonics does not guarantee that students are able to decode words automatically. They need automatic word recognition skills in order to develop fluency, an essential skill for comprehension.

We all have students who need additional support to improve these foundational skills. So, Read Naturally has developed Word Warm-ups—a quick, timed, mostly independent program—to develop mastery and automaticity in decoding. Students listen to audio-supported lessons on CDs and use printed exercises and graphs as they work through the steps.

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Webinar Handout

pointer Slides for this webinar

Topics Covered
  • Why decoding skills are so valuable.
  • Why automaticity is critical.
  • Which skills help students decode multisyllabic words.
  • What a student does to complete each step in a Word Warm-ups lesson.
  • How audio-supported lessons systematically teach the most common phonics and syllable patterns.
  • How the Read Naturally Strategy is used to build automaticity.
  • How students are individually placed to differentiate instruction.
  • How Word Warm-ups can be used alongside Read Naturally Live and Read Naturally Encore.

30 minutes

  • Classroom teachers
  • Curriculum specialists
  • Reading specialists
  • Title I teachers
  • Special education and RTI teachers
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Educational specialists


Program Samples

pointer Word Warm-ups sample (pdf)
pointer Step-by-step Word Warm-ups example with audio support

Student Assessments

pointer Word Warm-Ups Student Assessment—Level 1 (pdf)
pointer Word Warm-Ups Student Assessment—Level 2 (pdf)
pointer Word Warm-Ups Student Assessment—Level 3 (pdf)

Blog Articles

pointer "Time for Phonics"
pointer "Free Resource! New and Improved Word Warm-ups Graphs"
pointer  "Thinking Outside the (Placement) Box"


pointer Contact Read Naturally


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