Intervention Programs

Read Naturally® Encore II

Reproducible Masters with Audio

5 of 5 (35 reviews | add review)

  • Fluency
  • Phonics

Additional Support:
  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension

Skill Level: Grades 1‒8
Intervention Range: Beginning Reader to Adult Learner

Differentiate instruction easily using Read Naturally Encore II, a powerful reading fluency intervention that accelerates reading achievement by using the research-based Read Naturally Strategy using printed materials and audio CDs. Students become confident readers by developing fluency, phonics skills, comprehension, and vocabulary while reading nonfiction reading passages with questions. This time-tested intervention program engages students with interesting nonfiction stories and yields powerful results.

Read Naturally Encore II provides...

  • Intensive reading intervention, often used for RTI or MTSS implementations.
  • Differentiated instruction for a wide range of readers from beginning readers to adults.
  • Motivating informational text for reluctant readers.
  • Feedback to students and teachers through graphs of individual progress.
  • Nonfiction reading opportunities as required by state standards.
  • A process to correctly place and continually challenge each student.
  • Spanish audio translations of the read-along step in early Sequenced levels.
  • In the Español series, a complete Spanish translation of the Sequenced series.


  • Build fluency while expanding knowledge base.
  • Increase reading accuracy and expression with audio support.
  • Strengthen comprehension and vocabulary.
  • Develop automaticity in decoding (Phonics series).
  • Work independently most of the time.
  • Experience success and an improved attitude toward reading.

Read Naturally Encore II accelerates reading achievement by combining three research-based reading strategies for struggling readers—teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring. A student works at his or her own pace in an appropriate level of material. The student works through the steps and masters a story by reading along with audio and then practicing the story until he or she can read it fluently and with comprehension. The student tracks progress on a graph.​

pointer Research basis for the Read Naturally Strategy

The Encore reading fluency intervention develops reading proficiency using nonfiction reading passages and audio CDs

Read Naturally Encore II Steps
  1. Select a Story
    The student selects the story he or she wants to read. Choosing the story deepens the student’s investment in the material.
  2. Key Words
    In the Sequenced series, the student reads the key words and their definitions while listening to an audio recording. The key words provide definitions that are important to understanding the story.
    In the Phonics series, the student listens to a phonics lesson and reads words that have the featured phonics patterns.
  3. Prediction
    The student uses the title, picture, and key words to write a prediction of what he or she thinks the story is about. The prediction prepares the student’s mind for reading the story.
  4. Cold Timing
    The teacher may time the student, usually for one minute, as he or she reads the story, or the student may complete this step independently. The student underlines unknown words while reading. At the end of the timing, the student subtracts the number of underlined words from the total number of words attempted to obtain a cold-timing score. This step raises the student’s awareness of which words he or she needs to learn and establishes a baseline for progress monitoring, the component of the Read Naturally Strategy that motivates the student to improve.
  5. Graph Cold-Timing Score
    The student graphs the cold-timing score in blue. Marking the graph provides a visual of the baseline data.
  6. Read Along
    The student reads along quietly with a recording of the story, typically three times. This step is the teacher-modeling component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the student learn new words and master others as well as learn proper pronunciation, expression, and phrasing.
  7. Practice
    The student practices reading the story without audio support three to ten times until able to read it accurately, with expression, and at the goal rate. This step is the repeated-reading component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the student improve fluency, master difficult words, and understand the story.
  8. Questions
    The student answers questions about the story. Responding to the text holds the student accountable for meaning, develops the ability to answer many types of questions, and provides teachers with information about how well the student comprehends the story.
  9. Pass
    The student reads the story for the teacher to show that he or she can read it at the goal rate, with appropriate expression, and with three or fewer errors. The teacher corrects or reviews the comprehension questions with the student.
  10. Graph Pass Scores
    The student graphs the pass-timing score in red above the cold-timing score (in blue) to show how much the student’s fluency has improved. The student also graphs his or her comprehension scores.
  11. Retell/Word List
    In the Sequenced series, the student retells or summarizes the story to improve comprehension, and the teacher corrects it.
    In the Phonics series, the student works on decoding skills by practicing the word list until able to read it accurately at a predetermined rate. The teacher passes the student on the word list.
    The student graphs his or her retelling or word list score.

Read Naturally Encore II has four series, each with multiple levels and 12 or 24 stories per level. All four series have the same basic design with strategic differences.

  • Sequenced series is the basic series and has 13 levels (1.0 – 8.0) with 24 stories per level.
  • Phonics series adds phonics lessons and activities to the basic design and has 6 levels (0.8 – 2.7) with 24 stories per level.
    pointer Phonics elements taught in the Phonics series
  • Idioms series provides understanding of commonly used idioms and has four levels (3.0 – 4.5) with 12 stories per level.
    pointer Featured idioms
  • Español series stories are translations of the corresponding stories in the Sequenced series. This series may be used with Spanish-speaking students who are learning English or to help native English speakers learn to read Spanish text fluently as an additional language.

Read Naturally Encore II is sold by reading level. The teacher selects the appropriate series and level for each student.

Each level within a series includes a reproducible masters book by reading level, audio CDs, a glossary, and free web resources. ​Each order includes an appropriate number of placement packets and teacher's manuals.

Book of reproducible masters includes:
  • High-interest, leveled, nonfiction stories with key words, bold-faced glossary words, line-by-line word counts, comprehension activities.
  • Comparison questions (Sequenced levels 5.0 – 8.0).
  • A glossary for each story in the Idioms series.
  • Additional reproducible resources include graphs for student performance, letters to parents, a steps poster, and a certificate of completion.
12 Audio CDs with album include:
  • Two stories per CD in the Sequenced and Phonics series and one story per CD in the Idioms series, with three recordings of each story.
  • Audio for key words and for glossary words.
  • Audio for questions in the Idioms series.
  • Spanish translation of each story in levels 1.0 – 4.5 in the Sequenced series. 
Glossary includes:
  • Student-friendly definitions of challenging words from the stories.
  • Many pictures and clarifying sentences for glossary entries.
Note: The glossaries for the Sequenced and Phonics series are in separate full-color books. The glossaries for the Idioms series are included with each story.
Placement Packet includes:
  • Instructions for placing each student in an appropriate instructional level and for setting an initial reading goal.
  • Placement story from each level.
Teacher's Manual includes:
  • Research and rationale for the Read Naturally Strategy.
  • Description of teacher responsibilities.
  • Lesson plans for introducing the program.
Free reproducible web resources include:

Click the series name to view available levels and add to your shopping cart.

The Sequenced series focuses on fluency and also supports vocabulary and comprehension.

Description Item Number Item Price, $ Quantity
Encore II Sequenced Level 1.0 EN2010 $199.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 1.5 EN2015 $199.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 2.0 EN2020 $199.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 2.5 EN2025 $199.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 3.0 EN2030 $199.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 3.5 EN2035 $199.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 4.0 EN2040 $199.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 4.5 EN2045 $199.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 5.0 EN2050 $199.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 5.6 EN2056 $199.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 6.0 EN2060 $199.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 7.0 EN2070 $199.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 8.0 EN2080 $199.00

The Phonics series focuses on fluency and phonics and also supports vocabulary and comprehension.
pointer Phonics elements by level

Description Item Number Item Price, $ Quantity
Encore II Phonics Level 0.8 (Short Vowels) EN2008 $199.00
Encore II Phonics Level 1.3 (Long Vowels) EN2013 $199.00
Encore II Phonics Level 1.8 (Blends & Digraphs) EN2018 $199.00
Encore II Phonics Level 2.3 (R-Controlled) EN2023 $199.00
Encore II Phonics Level 2.6 (Short Vowels) EN2026 $199.00
Encore II Phonics Level 2.7 (Long Vowels) EN2027 $199.00

The Idioms series develops understanding of common idioms and expands knowledge of language and culture. An audio-supported glossary of vocabulary words is integrated with each story.
pointer Featured idioms

Description Item Number Item Price, $ Quantity
Encore II Idioms Level 3.0 EI2030 $199.00
Encore II Idioms Level 3.5 EI2035 $199.00
Encore II Idioms Level 4.0 EI2040 $199.00
Encore II Idioms Level 4.5 EI2045 $199.00

The stories in the Español series are translations of the corresponding stories in the Encore Sequenced series. This series may be used with Spanish-speaking students who are learning English or to help native English speakers learn to read Spanish text fluently as an additional language.

Description Item Number Item Price, $ Quantity
Encore II Español Level 1.0 ES2010 $199.00
Encore II Español Level 1.5 ES2015 $199.00
Encore II Español Level 2.0 ES2020 $199.00
Encore II Español Level 2.5 ES2025 $199.00
Encore II Español Level 3.0 ES2030 $199.00
Encore II Español Level 3.5 ES2035 $199.00
Encore II Español Level 4.0 ES2040 $199.00
Encore II Español Level 4.5 ES2045 $199.00

These reference books reinforce the vocabulary features of the Read Naturally Encore II program by providing definitions of the challenging words from the stories in the Sequenced series. Many definitions include full-color pictures. One of these full-color glossaries is included with each Read Naturally Encore level, but having more copies available encourages students to look up new words as they work through the stories. Audio support for the pronunciation and definition of each word is provided on the corresponding audio CD for each level.

Description Item Number Item Price, $ Quantity
Encore II Sequenced Level 1.0 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G10 $49.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 1.5 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G15 $49.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 2.0 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G20 $49.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 2.5 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G25 $49.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 3.0 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G30 $49.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 3.5 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G35 $49.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 4.0 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G40 $49.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 4.5 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G45 $49.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 5.0 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G50 $49.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 5.6 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G56 $49.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 6.0 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G60 $49.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 7.0 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G70 $49.00
Encore II Sequenced Level 8.0 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G80 $49.00

These reference books reinforce the vocabulary features of the Read Naturally Encore II program by providing definitions of the challenging words from the stories in the Phonics series. Many definitions include full-color pictures. One of these full-color glossaries is included with each Read Naturally Encore level, but having more copies available encourages students to look up new words as they work through the stories. Audio support for the pronunciation and definition of each word is provided on the corresponding audio CD for each level.

Description Item Number Item Price, $ Quantity
Encore II Phonics Level 0.8 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G08 $49.00
Encore II Phonics Level 1.3 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G13 $49.00
Encore II Phonics Level 1.8 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G18 $49.00
Encore II Phonics Level 2.3 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G23 $49.00
Encore II Phonics Level 2.6 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G26 $49.00
Encore II Phonics Level 2.7 Glossary (5-Pack) EN2G27 $49.00

These reference books reinforce the vocabulary features of the Read Naturally Encore II program by providing definitions of the challenging words from the stories in the Phonics series. Many definitions include full-color pictures. One of these full-color glossaries is included with each Read Naturally Encore level, but having more copies available encourages students to look up new words as they work through the stories. Audio support for the pronunciation and definition of each word is provided on the corresponding audio CD for each level.

Description Item Number Item Price, $ Quantity
Encore II Español Level 1.0 Glossary (5-pack) ES2G10 $49.00
Encore II Español Level 1.5 Glossary (5-pack) ES2G15 $49.00
Encore II Español Level 2.0 Glossary (5-pack) ES2G20 $49.00
Encore II Español Level 2.5 Glossary (5-pack) ES2G25 $49.00
Encore II Español Level 3.0 Glossary (5-pack) ES2G30 $49.00
Encore II Español Level 3.5 Glossary (5-pack) ES2G35 $49.00
Encore II Español Level 4.0 Glossary (5-pack) ES2G40 $49.00
Encore II Español Level 4.5 Glossary (5-pack) ES2G45 $49.00

pointer How does Read Naturally level the stories?
pointer​ Do the Read Naturally reading levels correspond to grade levels?

pointer How does Read Naturally level the stories?
pointer​ Do the Read Naturally reading levels correspond to grade levels?

Customer Reviews

Oct 16, 2015


I love this program! I use it for progress monitoring and goal setting for my special Ed students.


Aug 11, 2015


Read Naturally is the first program I've used that is truly comprehensive. The fluency component is excellent, but I am just as impressed with the vocabulary and comprehension components. Our students made tremendous gains after one year. I'm looking forward to using Read Naturally products again this year.


Aug 11, 2015


I am very pleased with the results I am seeing with my adult students that are using Read Naturally Encore. This program works best for us because my students are in prison and do not have computer access. It has helped them implement the phonics skills they have learned into their reading. The two students I am trying it out on have increased their reading level one grade in a 4 month period.


Feb 4, 2015


I love this program! I used it many years ago in tier 2 support and now as a special ed teacher I still prefer it. It is wonderful for fluency, but also supports comprehension and vocabulary skills, and the students enjoy graphing their results, making it good motivation to improve.


Feb 4, 2015


I do love using this reading intervention for my special students. It is very easy to use and my students love working independently especially when they see their learning progress.


Jan 23, 2015


I love this reading intervention program because it helps improve my students' reading fluency and comprehension skills. It is easy to implement in the classroom.


Jan 21, 2015


Definitely a 5-star program in my book! Read Naturally Encore is a versatile program and easy to use. It can be used for intervention outside of regular ed classroom or in a regular ed setting. Teachers and students can shift focus on different skills as needed, fluency, comprehension, or vocabulary. Students can work with near total independence or teachers can provide guidance as needed.


Jan 13, 2015


The Read Naturally Encore intervention programming is very easy to use for students and staff. Since students can monitor their own progress, they are able to set their own goals in what needs to take place in order for them to improve their words per minute and/or comprehension. Since students are able to listen to the vocabulary and story on the CD, this strategy helps them improve their fluency, knowledge of vocabulary, and understand the importance of fluent reading and how it impacts their higher-level comprehension. The students also enjoy talking about the nonfiction stories.


Dec 11, 2014


Read Naturally Encore is the total package. It incorporates reading fluency, and comprehension. One of the most motivating aspects of this program is the student progress monitoring piece. My students have taken responsibility for their own learning and progress monitoring with this program.


May 4, 2014

The Encore program is fantastic. I have been using it for six or seven years now and every child likes The Read Naturally Program. The students can see their progress. In all the years I have been using it, I have never had a child not benefit from all the facets of this program. I look forward to using the new and improved versions. Thank you!

May 1, 2014

I have been a special education teacher for 15 years, and this is the first school year I have used Read Naturally. This is the best, most motivating intervention program I have come across. Some students have made two years growth; all have continued to gain fluency, often doubling their wpm score during a given week. I will be talking up this program.

Apr 11, 2014

I have been using Read Naturally many years. Love the results and the student enthusiasm!

Apr 7, 2014

As a reading specialist, I have implemented Read Naturally and Read Live in the last two schools I've been in charge of. I love the ease of implementation and the success I have had with both programs. I have data that demonstrates the effectiveness of both programs year after year.

Apr 7, 2014

Many of our struggling readers are not interested in reading but when they see a short passage about an interesting topic they see it as manageable. Since they read the passage several times they experience success as readers and actually understand what they are reading. For children who have only known frustration when it comes to reading it makes such a difference to finally experience success. We enjoy the ability to use the materials with many students and the ability to reuse the materials year after year. It makes our money go further and has helped in being approved for grants. Grants get approved when the materials can be used year after year. It fits well into our current LA program and provides the perfect amount of structure for our struggling readers. They are interested in the topics, find the short passages & topics appealing, and are motivated by tracking their progress. The video that came with the One Minute Reader was very helpful . I think the Teacher's Manual could be more concise to better accommodate busy teachers. Our teachers find this program easy to implement as well as motivating and rewarding for students.

Apr 2, 2014

When i think of the many students who have benefited in our school over the years from the wonderful nonfiction stories and CDs of Read Naturally, I am humbled. I loved turning the learning over to my students, checking in before and after each story to help them get the data they need to see their own growth (cold-timing and hot-timing scores). It was gratifying to see their accuracy improve and their comprehension grow as well. Thanks for updating this great program--it is such a good fit for our RTI implementation!

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