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Placing students in Word Warm-ups Live using a phonics assessment

Each student in Word Warm-ups Live starts with a default assignment in Level 1, Section B: Short Vowels. On the Student Activity page, you can assess each student using the printable phonics assessment. Based on that assessment, you can also edit the student's assignment. 

To assess a student's Word Warm-ups Live placement:

  1. Log into the Staff Member Module.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Student Activity.
  3. Choose the Application-Specific Actions button at the top of the page.
  4. Choose Word Warm-ups Live from the menu.
  5. Choose the Print Phonics Assessment button.
    A PDF opens in a separate browser tab. The PDF document includes a screening assessment and separate phonics assessments for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3, along with detailed administration instructions.
  6. Print the PDF, including the student worksheet.
  7. Follow the administration instructions to administer a phonics placement assessment. 

To change a student's assignment or Goal from the Student Module:

  1. Click Teacher in the header.
  2. Enter your User ID and Password.
  3. Click Log in.
  4. Click Change Level/Section/Goal.
  5. Use the Level, Section, and Word List Goal controls to alter the student's assignment and goal as necessary.
  6. Click Save.
  7. If you are changing the current section while the student is already working on an exercise, a dialog asks when you want to apply the change. 
    Click Immediately to apply the changes now, resetting the student's current exercise.
    - or -
    Click Next Exercise to allow the student to finish the current exercise first, before the changes are applied.
  8. If you choose to apply the changes immediately, a dialog opens to confirm the resetting of the current exercise. Click Yes to do so.

To change a student's Word Warm-ups Live placement from the Staff Module:

  1. Log in to the Staff Member Module.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Student Activity.
  3. Use the search feature at the top of the page to find the student whose placement assignment you need to change.
  4. Expand the applications list for the student.
  5. Choose the Edit button next to the student's current Word Warm-ups Live assignment.
  6. Use the Level, Section, and Word List Goal controls to alter the student's assignment and goal as necessary.
  7. Click Save & Close.

See Also


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